Monday, February 8, 2016

Can I Own One?

Can I Own a Drone?

Actually, it's not that uncommon for people that keep up with the modern day and age to own a small, personal drone. Often times they have phone mounts or mounts for Go-Pro cameras. From a photography aspect, they are quite nice, and a rather new and inventive form of the fine art. Here is a video of gorgeous landscapes, and the use of cinematography with drones.

Drones have plenty of practical uses, and while these videos were clearly shot with extremely high end and expensive products, an average drone that can hold a cell phone to take pictures and videos can be as cheap as $150. That is for a decent baseline model, and of course the price will drastically increase with the quality.

Overall, drones are revolutionizing our world as we know it. From a theatrical perspective, this will make filming anything easier and arguably better. Even things like sporting events, all the way to high end movies.


  1. I agree that drones are revolutionizing the way we live, I can already imagine Amazon drones flying to my house 10/10

  2. That's pretty cool that people can own drones, but with the increase of the use of drones I have to wonder how many jobs as truckers, mail carriers, photographers, and people who film movies will be outsourced to drones. Don't get me wrong, I think they're cool, but how long until our jobs are outsourced to machines?
